Senin, 28 November 2011

Post break up #2

Just like usual, someone, and especially me, was felt love, and if we can rules it, we will feel so drowning in tears. Ya, like some people said, even superman can cry too. That was superman, and i? I'm not superman, nor other superheroes you knew. I'm just an usual boy, which always lost in love. Ya, i always lost in love because usually, I'm too deep in loving someone. I got lack attempt in my relationships, and to be honest, i can't fix it every time i feel so guilty. BUT NOW, i think i'm getting old and mature, and i will fix every part of me, which always be a fault in my relationships. I need a good relationship, and to make that, i need to be what girls want, not be what i want, but girls not. Its a relationship, it's all about i and her, you and me, she and he, or whatever. We must get a point, don't make a one side decision. Because to make a good relationship, don't set the ego on top.
But, how if the girl cheat us? it's different kind of problems. It's girls fault to abuse our trust feeling. That"s what i was felt with my last ex. She cheated me with my best friend, which sucks. But now, i knew that she's felt uncomfort with me, and she feel comfort with my bestfriend. That's mean, my attempt in that relationship, made her cheating me. That's relate from what i was write in top, to this. Ya, being cheated is sucks, but think what made our girl cheating us. 

P.S; I haven't cheat someone, but i always got cheated. Am i too stupid? Or too patient? I don't know, but just like what my father said, "Just do whatever you think is right, for you, and for the others". I hold that words!

This is where i stand.